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November 15, 2023
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) and Advanced Infrastructure are rolling out a Net Zero planning tool across 58 local authorities in England and Scotland. Utilising Advanced Infrastructure’s LAEP+ platform and SSEN’s network capacity data, the application - LENZA (Local Energy Net Zero Accelerator) - is driving forward data access, modelling and collaboration in Local Net Zero planning.
LENZA is being rolled out to local authorities in SSEN’s north of Scotland and central southern England licence areas who can register interest to join the programme. Participants will be given access to hundreds of datasets, including network capacity and local potential for renewable technologies, as well as training workshops to facilitate the delivery of their Net Zero targets.
LENZA is a geospatial planning tool that provides local authorities and their delivery partners with access to up to date network capacity, building stock data, and modelling tools to support informed decision making, as well as the development of Local Area Energy Plans (LAEPs) and Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (LHEES).
The LENZA tool will facilitate the co-creation of local decarbonisation pathways, with phased rollouts across all local authorities within SSEN licence areas taking place in 2023 - 2024.
The project seeks to reduce the time and cost associated with local Net Zero planning and improve the Distribution Network Operator’s visibility of future network connections.
The launch of LENZA follows on from the successful trial of LAEP+ by Dundee City Council, Perth and Kinross Council and Oxfordshire County Council under Project RESOP - a Network Innovation Allowance (NIA) funded project. The pilot used the platform to optimise the deployment of EV charge points, plan heat pump rollout and plan local decarbonisation.
As well as allowing local authorities to choose both suitable and cost effective locations for low-carbon technologies, LENZA will also allow collaboration and data exchange between local authorities to Distribution Network Operators to inform future network infrastructure needs.
The Beta LENZA tool will be available to the first group of local authorities in December 2023, with small groups of local authorities who register their interest joining the programme each month in 2024.
Andy Wainwright, SSEN Distribution’s Whole System Manager said:
“We’re delighted to make this tool available to all local authorities in our area, and through our dedicated team we are committed to working with them and other energy partners to help accelerate local area energy plan development.
“This type of whole system partnership working is crucial in making net zero a reality.”
Lily Cairns Haylor, Co Founder and Head of Product at Advanced Infrastructure said:
“Having worked with SSEN on project RESOP over the past two years, the engagement from both local authorities and stakeholder groups in the creation of a digital tool to support a whole system approach has been phenomenal.
“We are thrilled to be developing the LENZA tool alongside our partner SSEN in the aim to empower local authorities in the execution of Local Area Energy Plans and ultimately move them towards their net zero goals.”
SSEN and Advanced Infrastructure have launched the tool to the first five local authorities in December 2023 with more local authorities who register interest being invited in 2024.
More information about LENZA including how to get involved can be found at SSEN’s website https://www.ssen.co.uk/our-services/tools-and-maps/lenza/
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