Carbon Emission Factors Dataset

Using a live model of the electricity system, hyperlocal and half-hourly carbon intensity data for 8000 regions across GB.


Data Provider:

Advanced Infrastructure Technology Ltd

Product Overview

The Average Emission Factor varies by location and time according to the generation mix, demand and electrical connectivity. This includes emissions from all large metered power stations, unmetered embedded wind and solar generation, interconnector imports, transmission and distribution losses, and accounts for national electricity demand.

An Average Emission Factor is the carbon dioxide emissions associated with a unit of electricity consumed (gCO2e/KWh). Available as static data or an API, this dataset denotes the average carbon intensity of electricity (gCO2/KWh) for a given location. Static data is available as annual, daily, hourly averages across 8,000 geographic zones in GB.

Carbon Emission Factors Dataset

LSOAThe Geographic zone (LSOA) is a geographic hierarchy designed to improve the reporting of small area statistics in England and Wales. LSOAs usually have a resident population between 1,000 and 3,000 persons-
TimestampCarbon intensity varies based on load and generation values. The primary data source is updated every 30 minutesdd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
Generation Carbon IntensityEmissions based on generation mix in the region in grams of CO2 per unit of electricity consumption in kWhgCO2/KWh

Visualise Data in LAEP+

  • Explore granular level data on the interactive map

  • Filter data to identify project suitable sites

  • Combine and overlay with other energy, transport, building stock, or heat datasets

  • Create custom reports and share with others

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Dataset Key Features

Available as static data or an API

UK and EU coverage

Available as annual, daily, hourly averages

How to Buy Our Products as a Public Sector Customer

Save time and costs by purchasing datasets directly through the G-Cloud 13 framework.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is LAEP+?
What's the difference between a LAEP and LAEP+ ?
How reliable is the  data within  LAEP+?
Can I add my own data to LAEP+?
What is the geographic coverage of LAEP+?
Will I require training to use LAEP+?
How do I know my data is secure?
How can Sustainability Consultants utilise Carbon Emission Factors Data?
How can Data Centres utilise Carbon Emission Factors Data?
How can Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure providers utilise Carbon Emission Factors Data?
What is a local area energy plan?
Why is a Local Area Energy Plan important?
What are the stages of a local area energy plan?
Is there funding available for local area energy plans?

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